Can you believe that we've gotten to a point in this world - where we have to fight to save. service.
Service, as in - a act that is done by one person or a group that benefits another person or group etc. etc.
Umm. I'm speechless really.
Here's the deal, according to,
On February 19, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 1, legislation that would make deep cuts in government spending for the rest of the fiscal year. The measure – which eliminates the Corporation for National and Community Service and its programs-- passed 235-189. Click here to learn how your Representative voted.
The House vote is just one step in the legislative process. The bill has been sent to the Senate for their consideration, and the Senate and the President will have opportunities to shape and influence the final spending package. But it is up to us to make certain that the final bill restores funding for service!
Please call Congress and explain what will be lost if H.R. 1 becomes a reality. It is important that you express your disappointment with the House vote and ask that funding for the Corporation for National and Community Service be restored in the final spending bill.
We know H.R. 1 – as it passed the House – will not be the final funding package. But Congress must reach a compromise before March 4th or the government will shut down. Difficult decisions on funding priorities will have to be made in the next two weeks and we have to work very hard to ensure that any compromise restores funding for the Corporation for National and Community Service.
& there is it. The program that saves the government money in the long-term, helps young people gain professional skills, helps the needy, improves communities, teachs kids to read, advocates for self sufficiency and beyond - is at risk of being cut. & honestly I'm exhausted from begging everyone to call, write, sign, blah blah blah.
So, friends. Please. Just do something.
If you don't believe my words on the impact of service, read this
Minnesota Fact Sheet, if you're too tired to write a letter -
revamp mine, if you don't know who your Representative is, enter your zip code
here, your Senator -
here, and if you feel like your voice won't count - change your (swear word) attitude.