Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I've been feeling more than overwhelmed by the news lately. I feel like all my Brothers and Sisters around the world (the United States too) are facing too much political tension - heavy. tragic. violent. misunderstood. I was going to rant about it - link to news articles & whine, but instead - I'm going to focus energies on positive thoughts.

I've been reading THXTHXTHX on and off for quite some time, and it's always a joy to come back to. I just love it. Similar to my theories on fighting winter & the blues with a 'happy thought a day', Leah Dieterich writes a daily thank you note. To anything and everything.

In this time of political unrest, human rights violations and gloomy days - keeping reading the news, but find something to be thankful for as well. There's plenty of good going around too.

PS: Remember that hilarious time I tried doing yoga? Well, I've been trying it again (this time in a Core Power Classroom setting) & I love it. This week - I'm thankful for yoga.

 THXTHXTHX Cards via: thxthxthx


Linda W. said...

I'm thankful for the sweet, funny, thoughtful, sometimes crazy things you write about. In all the news that seems so sad, I'm glad you look for the positive and goodness out there. You are part of the 'Happy' in each day! That's what can change the world. Have a great day.

Alex said...