Monday, May 10, 2010

100 Day


Today is the one yr anniversary of my college graduation (oook I'm a day off - nbd). My second day of employment at the Old Market Deli in Cannon Falls. The day after Mother's Day, & most relevant to this forum - it's my 100th BLOG POST!

I've been trying to think of something fun, witty, engaging, special, yadda-yadda for this grand day. & I said to myself, "Jeanna, you've written 100 posts join the big-leaguers and attempt a give-a-way!" So, here goes - one of you lucky readers is going to receive a copy of Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook - Travel. With tips ranging from - how to survive a runaway camel, catch a fish without a pole, escape from a car hanging over the edge of a cliff to gestures that should be avoided and packing ideas -- the book is both hilarious & informative. It's the perfect conversation starter or gift for the traveller in your life.

To win, simply leave a comment! Say 'Hello', beg for the book, share a survival skill, tell me  what you want to hear next, or your favorite post - anything! Next Monday, I'll trick my dad into randomly picking a name/#/something & wa-la we'll have a winner.

Can you believe it? I've babbled via public forum one hundred times. Watch out - I'm thinkin' this entire week is going to be a celebration of my blogging adventure. I know sometimes I complain, but really, I have so much fun blogging & I hope you have fun reading! Thanks for stopping by. xoxo


Cory said...

Heck yeah, way to go Jeanna. Hittin 100, that is pretty awesome! How is the new job treating you? Has it got a cool fun vibe, coworkers fun? Later!

Ellen said...

I believe I deserve this book. Also, one year, I can't believe it's been a year for us! I remember that entire day all too getting ready, me feeling like complete crap (thank you mono!), and delicious pizza/fabulous family/Welch Ave :)

miss you and love you my dear. We need a proper chat soon. x

Sarah said...

Jeanna, when traveling, always remember random animal facts such as:

1. When running from an alligator, run straight, not in a zigzag line as we were taught.

2. Never mess with a hippo...they can run up to 35mph and are way dangerous.

3. When faced with a shark, punch it in the nose or find a dolphin to swim next to (sharks are afraid of dolphins)

I'm sure I have more but I can't give away all the secrets to survival...see how much I love random facts aka would love a book of random facts :)

Congrats on the 100th post! I'm right behind ya...81 to go.

Alex said...

Travel Tips:

1. ALWAYS hit on Swiss Guards. They can get you in with the Pope.

1.1 ALWAYS befriend the cute old men. Even if they don't rescue you from terrifying public transit mistakes, they're still really cute and will make your day.

2. It's vaffanCUlo, not vafFANculo. If you're going to tell someone to fuck themselves in the ass, you had better do it correctly.

3. Stay in the suburbs of the big tourist cities. It's cheaper and you're bound for twice the adventure. And they love you for your new face and your stumbling curiosity.

4. Do it like the Romans do: on the street. ;)

5. I love Jeanna Bauer

Anonymous said...

Jeanna Jeanna Jeanna,
I LOVE your blogs. I faithfully check everyday to see if there is something new. And of couse I have helped to keep you mom informed as she doesn't always read them. (don't tell her I told you that) Please keep writing. You do an awesome job. And did I tell you how nice you look today?!! (I'm sucking up to win the book) Take care. The other Bauer (Barb that is)