Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Pick It Up!

The absence of snow - amazing. The appearance of litter - frustrating. 

Has anyone else found their neighborhood or local street ambushed by trash? Even the little-itty-bitty town of Welch has been affected, and I'm sick of looking at it. So, this afternoon I put my new Easter-basket gardening gloves (they're adorable - Liberty of London for Target) grabbed a few bags and went on a walk. A walk for a cause if you will. 

It was great! Not only was the walk nice (the sun was shining and my legs feel sore in a good way), but I feel proud of what I did too. A mile stretch and I ended with two heaping full bags - gross! Trash just doesn't belong in our ditches, and I'm baffled that in 2010 people still think it's okay?! Maybe we can all learn something from the people of Rwanda*:

(Kigali, Rwanda) 

Did you know that Rwanda totally beat us to the punch on the anti-plastic bag rage - they are completely banned from the country. Or that there is basically NO litter in Rwanda? Why? How? Some say - "Umganda" (Kinyarwandan for 'contribution').

In Rwanda, one saturday a month everything (businesses, public transportation, etc) shuts down from 7-noon so that people can participate in community service. Everyone over the age of 18 is required to pick up trash, fix local irrigation issues, and participate in various utility-type projects. It opens up discussion on community issues and more importantly offers an opportunity for people to connect to one another and their country. I highly encourage everyone to read this great Green Planet article on Rwanda's advanced green ways.

But what I reallllllly think you should do is grab a few bags, put on some gloves, and go on a trash-removal walk. It is definitely Something to Do Today.

* Today, April 7th - is the 16th Anniversary of the beginning of Rwanda's 1994 genocide. Despite great hardship and many losses, the country has come so far. Take a moment to remember all those negatively affected and lost due to violence, and respect their continued progress. Such a beautiful country!! 

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