Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Help

I just finished reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett. First of all, it's fabulous. I literally read for days straight. Stockett did some serious character building and I feel like I personally know each narrator (2 domestic workers and 1 college graduate/journalist). It's a beautifully written story of the relationships between white housewives and their African American hired help in 1960s Mississippi. I won't try to explain more, I can never do books justice. There is a reason it's on the bestseller list.

The Help is a fictional story, but it's words and stories are true to many. I was pretty disturbed/saddened by the stories of blunt violence, sickening discrimination and outrageous rumors about minorities. Because really, these events didn't happen all too long ago (& still happen today). I also spent a lot of time thinking about how hard it must have been for all those people involved in the civil rights movement, especially those who lived in the south. It's embarrassing, but I don't know if I ever truly thought about the risk they put themselves in. I have a whole new appreciation for all those involved, and I am beyond thankful for them.

But then I turned on the news.

& any relief that I may have felt - disappeared instantly. Have we really come that far? Stories of male government officials telling their female colleagues to "go back to the kitchen", funding being cut for domestic abuse shelters and in-home care, Wal-Mart being called out for years of paying women less then men (for the same work), oil leaks, and Arizona officially stripping away the respect and dignity of it's Hispanic population. Death threats seem to be the new love letter ... and I don't even know when this started. When did our country start becoming so hateful again? Did it ever stop? Was I looking away? Everyone seems so angry. & feel overwhelmed. Sometimes, I'm scared my voice isn't loud enough, that I'm not doing enough.

So, to those of you who speak up for greater good - thank you.
& to the Grand Canyon, I'm sorry - looks like I won't get around to seeing you.

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