Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I have just learned that Lutheran Services in Iowa, Refugee Resettlement Cooperative of Des Moines is closing it's doors. The program will continue on for the next six months to ensure that the last refugee families are provided care until they are self sufficient.

My heart goes out to all the LSI staff, volunteers, and the Des Moines refugee community.

It was within your guiding hands that I found my true passion. I will never forget my time as an Intern with the program, and I am forever grateful for the amount of trust, support, and confidence you all had in me.

During my 320 hours of service I learned more than I ever imagined I could about: strength, carrying mattresses, culture, non-profits, sharing, refugee issues, patience, governmental systems, Des Moines, war, family, hard work, resettlement, fear, apartment hunting, courage, language (both verbal and non), volunteering, donating, the importance of humor and a smile, compassion, and love.

You have forever made an impact on me and the lives of thousands around the greater Des Moines area. May the future be bright for all those impacted by this loss.

To read their statement go here

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