Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Epic Thank You Card.

Iowa. You treat me so well, & all I can do is say THANK YOU!

Thanks to my Rwanda ladies, who remind me how small and fragile our world is. That a small group of woman can change the world. & it's okay to enjoy 3+ servings of Kenyan food in a single sitting.

Thanks to Mike and his roommates for always letting me barge in as number 5. Mikey, your shoulder saves me every time. & the microwavable burritos weren't that bad.

Thanks to my Alexandra's (Doffing and Jones) for always being on the same page as me.

Thanks to Sarah for the delicious meal and even better conversation. I have no idea where you get all your optimism and love for life- but it's contagious.

Thanks to IRIS and LSI co-workers/friends for reminding me of what I've done and believing in what is yet to come. Experiences within your walls have shaped me both professionally and personally in ways I can hardly comprehend. I've been so lucky, and catching up is always a blast.

Thanks to Thai Kitchen for heart shaped rice.

Thanks for Saturday night company. You kids are my family (meaning: I love you and you can't get rid of me). Your hugs and spirits will change the world.

Thanks to the brave and beautiful women who performed the Vagina Monologues. Each year the stories move me in a different way, but I am always inspired.

Oh, and Thanks to Mom and Dad for helping an unemployed daughter out by filling the Jetta with her beloved gas.

What a week can do for the soul. Life is beautiful.
Something to do today: call a friend.


Ebauer said...

Thank YOU for posting this clog, it had brought tears to my eyes just stepping back to think about life and everything we have to be grateful for.
You are the one who deserves that thank you. You have helped me so much in the last few months even if you didn't notice you have been there for me through laughs, books, homemade dinners, and your positive and optimistic attitude on life. Jeanna you are my sister, my friend, my other half.

Thank you.

Ashley said...

Iowa says thank you right back for blessing us with your presence :-) It was great to see you and catch up. And of course eat lots of Kenyan food!

Alex said...

I just set up "google alerts" which alerted me (appropriately) to this mention of my name!

You are 100X a million times welcome. I love you.