Saturday, September 19, 2009

They Call Me "Little Stomach" and "Sugar"

Hello Everyone!

I've been having some hard times getting decent Internet connection, but all seems to be working well right now.

All my traveling went well (even thought it was very, very long). When I was getting off the airplane the man sitting next to me (from Wisconsin) asked, "Is this your first time in Egypt? [Yes] Well then... just go with the flow." It didn't take more than two mintues to realize the importance of his words. Whenever anything is hard or confusing I've been trying to remember what he said. (And thankfully- about an hour after getting to Khalda's apartment when I had dismissed the adivce already- I had Ms. Jessica Crawford online to help me out- what a blessing)

Everything is taking a lot of adjustment. It is VERY difficult living in a country where I can't communicate with anyone easily. For being a country dependent on tourism- English is NOT known. Currently, I'm in Ismailia City visiting some friends. I haven't been able to see much of this port city- but it is much less crowded than Cairo. I got to experience the bus on the way here- and that was a cultural lesson in itself. Good thing I hadn't ate much before the ride...

Khalda is the sweetest woman. Even though I'm having a hard time adjusting to the country- it has been no fault of hers. She has done anything and everything to make sure that I am safe and having a good time... and enough to eat. I've been hearing from many of her friends, "Khalda is fat. When you go back to America - you too will be fat. You will grow a stomach living with Khalda." (Ian, I'll do my best to work it off by 45).

Currently it is the holy month of Ramadan and most Muslims only eat after sunset (around 6-6:30) and before sunrise (eating around 4:30). Khalda and friends have overcome this issue by turning into owls for a month. So far every night I've gone to bed around 4:30-5 AM and woken up around 2:30 PM. Needless to say jet lag hasn't been much of a problem. I'm not sure if a majority of Muslims switch their sleep schedule like this- or if it is just Khalda and company. Today is the last day of fasting and then we move into the 3 day celebration of the Eid. I believe in the next few days my sleeping will become a little more "normal".

Even so, this country never sleeps. At all hours of the day it is common to see people running around. Need cheese at 2:30 AM? No problem. Last night as I was falling asleep I was laughing at the Roosters who much like my fathers... just didn't seem to have the sunrise crowing right- then I realized it IS 5AM. I'm the one who is off.

Because we are visiting friends I haven't done too much exploring or saving of the world ... I'm trying to take Mike's advice and let myself enjoy this period of transition and rest. (I'm catching up on my 90s TV shows).

I'm slowly learning some vocab in Arabic, it is very difficult though. Sometimes I feel that Khalda is teaching me more than I'm teaching her!! Everything is going well... I just keep reminding myself it has only been a few days and everything gets easier with time.

And now- its time to eat.

All the Love,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

62 pounder. Ohhhh Forest.
love- Megg