Wednesday, December 2, 2009


2 weeks into home life.

2 days into job searching.

Who knew depression and discouragement could set in so quickly.

I’ve been pretty bummed lately, feeling really out of control and sad in this whirlwind of readjustment, job-hunting, and frankly- loneliness. Welch Minnesota is the prefect place to sit back and enjoy the peacefulness of Mother Nature, not so much for entertainment. Although, watching Ringo be chased by our new chickens did throw the family into a fit of giggles.

The other week during my visit to Ames, my beautiful friend Megen told me that she had made the decision to be happy.

Made the DECISION to be happy.

Made the decision FOR HERSELF to be happy.

Made the decision to be HAPPY.

Today, it finally set in what a wonderful idea that is! Who wants to hire a frumpy, unenthusiastic, bitter recent graduate? My disheartened attitude has done nothing but hurt the people who are closest to me, and put me further behind on the ‘to hire’ list.

SO. I started with a smile and a library trip.

Book List:

“Guide to Internet Job Searching” Co published with the Public Library Association.

“The Perfect Resume: Today’s Ultimate Job Search Tool” by Tom Jackson

“Resume Buzz Words: Get Your Resume to the Top of the Pile” by Erik Herman and Sarah Rocha; it just might work!

“The Vagina Monologues” by Eve Ensler; because she keeps me spunky, and the courageousness of women keeps me motivated.

“Three Cups of Tea: One Man’s Mission to Fight Terrorism and Build Nations… One School at a Time” by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin; I am constantly on a hunt for inspiration, and my lovely IRIS crew tells me it is a must read.

DVD List:

Michael Moore’s “Sicko”; I’ve got not health insurance …

Ugly Betty Season One; simply, I love her.

2 weeks until all these things are due back to Redwing Public Library.


Kimmy P said...

while reading the vagina monologues, picture me as the woman in 'the vagina workshop' because that's the part i got!

im also reading 3 cups of tea right now, almost done, very good.

Jeanna Bauer said...

Congrats Kim! That is a nice empowering one. You'll do great. I'll have to try to make it down for the performance... or catch one in Minnesota. :)