Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I had my first day tutoring at St. Andrew's today. I help out in a lovely little library with a handful of other volunteers. Oh, how I love being surrounded by books. It was the perfect place to spend the two hours I waited for Khalda to finish her class (so we could go home together).

The moment I walked in I sensed that a book from this tiny little used book library would open my eyes to why I'm here. It sounds dramatic in type, but it happened?

I found Eve Ensler's "Insecure at Last: Losing It in Our Security Obsessed World", or maybe it found me. I literally sat down and read 2/3 without stopping or breathing for that matter.

"My experiences have led me to believe that only by wholly entering, wholly feeling, wholly inhabiting other people and experiences, are we brought to any happiness and security. Only by allowing ourselves to see what we already see and know what we already know are we freed from depression and ennui."

"How can you judge people when you have no idea where they come from?"

Ensler is EXACTLY the motivation/reminder that I needed at the one month mark of my two month journey.

(By the way, in my three hour tutoring session I sat idle for two, but spent a good 50 minutes trying to explain, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Small steps are steps just the same.)

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