Think about what you were doing a year ago.

I was loading myself into a ISU van with 10 others for a 17 hour car ride to Washington DC for Powershift 2009. It was raining and I had no idea what I was getting myself into.
Powershift is 4 day summit put on by the Energy Action Coalition that gathers youth from around the country to sit in on panels, listen to speakers, attend workshops, visit a career fair, and most importantly - engage in lobbying; all focused on ending global warming and working towards a future of clean & sustainable energy.
I loved it. The panels and workshops were so varied that you could attend lectures that fit your specific interests. Most memorable for me was one on indigenous peoples and climate change (you know the old man from Babe? "That'll do Pig, that'll do", he was the speaker!). Aly and I also really enjoyed a panel on Gender equality, poverty, and the millennium development goals ... the summit is a wealth of information.
More than anything though, there was a powerful sense of change. Of hope. Of motivation. Of creativity. Thousands of youth came to DC for this event. Thousands of young people who came to learn. Who came to share ideas and goals. Thousands of young people gathered together to demand change from our government. To eliminate dirty energy and work towards a clean future.
The last day is spent lobbying with representatives and rallying on the Capital lawn. & then, I took part in my first mass civil disobedience. Although it wasn't directly affiliated with Powershift, the march was to protest the coal-fired power plant that powers most of Congress with dirty energy. It was wet/cold, but simply amazing. It was so beautiful and fun to be a part of something so passionate.

& I guess thats what me writing about this is all about. Sometimes I forget about the things I've done. Can you believe I had to dig in the depths of my brain to remember protesting? Only a year ago! But it happens all the time, I forget the things I've taken a part of, and the things that I, as a young individual can do and have done.
Heres to not forgetting about my voice nor my experiences. Heres to taking action into your own hands & the power of youth.
Somethings to chant today: "Clean Coal is a Dirty Lie" & "Ain't No Power Like the Power of the People and the Power of the People Don't Stop"
Photo Credit to Paul Nemeth, Thanks!
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